W hat Is The Treatment For NAS In An Infant?
After delivery, there are various possible therapies for NAS. Supportive or non-pharmacological care makes up a substantial component of the treatment.
After delivery, there are various possible therapies for NAS. Supportive or non-pharmacological care makes up a substantial component of the treatment. This involves additional nursing support to assist the baby with breastfeeding and latching, as well as social work support from the hospital. Furthermore, certain drugs, particularly tiny dosages of methadone, can be used to treat NAS. Methadone, on the other hand, can only be used to treat NAS for a brief time while the infant is recovering in the hospital.
The following factors influence treatment:
The substance in question
Scores on the infant's general health and abstinence
Whether the baby arrived at full term or was born prematurely
The health care team will monitor the newborn for signs of withdrawal, feeding issues, and weight gain for up to a week (or longer depending on how the baby is doing) after birth. Babies who vomit or are severely dehydrated may require intravenous fluids (IV).
NAS babies are frequently irritable and difficult to soothe. Tender loving care (TLC) is a term used to describe how to calm them down.
Rocking the toddler gently
Noise and light reduction
Swaddling the infant on a towel or doing skin-to-skin care with mom
Breastfeeding is a method of nourishing a child (if the mother is in a methadone or buprenorphine treatment program without other illicit drug use)
Some newborns who are experiencing severe withdrawal symptoms require medications like methadone or morphine to help them feed, sleep, and relax. After birth, these newborns may need to stay in the hospital for weeks or months. The purpose of treatment is to give the baby a medicine that is comparable to the one the mother took during pregnancy and gradually reduce the dose. This aids in weaning the baby off the medicine while also alleviating certain withdrawal symptoms.
A second treatment, such as phenobarbital or clonidine, may be added if the symptoms are severe, such as if additional medicines were used.
Severe diaper rash or other regions of skin breakdown are common in babies with this illness. This necessitates the use of a particular ointment or cream
Babies may also have feeding issues or sluggish growth. These infants may require the following:
Feedings with a higher calorie content and more nourishment
Smaller, more frequent feedings
The period of hospitalization for newborn abstinence syndrome (NAS) patients varies based on the substance, withdrawal symptoms, and social circumstances. According to a 2016 study, gestational age at birth had no bearing on the pharmacologic treatment of NAS in late preterm and term infants. [58] Term newborns may get medicine for a longer period of time than their preterm or late-term peers.
Breastfeeding and the prevention of infectious diseases are two more topics that must be addressed. Screen for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), hepatitis B and C, Chlamydia, syphilis, and gonorrhea if the mother uses intravenous drugs.