What are the Suboxone Alternatives?
Suboxone is not the only drug available. The term "medication-assisted treatment," or MAT, refers to a variety of drugs.
Suboxone is not the only drug available. The term "medication-assisted treatment," or MAT, refers to a variety of drugs. MAT is a treatment that combines medicine with in-depth addiction treatment. MAT has proven to be the most effective treatment for many opiate addicts.
Zubsolv is one of the most recent choices to be introduced. It's a buprenorphine and naloxone combo, similar to Suboxone. However, there are some distinctions between the two. First, Zubsolv is a pill, whereas Suboxone is a film that is applied under the tongue. Suboxone and Zubslov have various distinct characteristics, including as taste and dosage forms. Zubsolv also has enhanced bioavailability, making it easier for the user to absorb and utilise buprenorphine. As a result, a dose of Zubsolv has a lower opioid concentration than a dose of Suboxone. Zubsolv is also less expensive under some insurance policies. Zubsolv can be prescribed by any physician who is licensed to prescribe Suboxone.
Methadone is a less-common choice. Until Suboxone became accessible, methadone and methadone maintenance clinics were the primary treatment options for opioid dependence and addiction. Methadone is a type of opioid that can be used to alleviate pain. Methadone can block some of the effects of opioids, although it isn't as effective as Suboxone at doing so. The biggest issue with methadone maintenance is that it essentially replaces one addiction with another, leading to people becoming long-term methadone addicts.
Subutex is a prescription that solely contains buprenorphine and lacks the opioid-blocking properties of Suboxone. Subutex works similarly to opioids, but with less side effects. Subutex, for example, does not provide the overwhelming exhilaration that a narcotic like heroin does, especially when used at prescribed doses. It also has a lesser risk of addiction, as well as milder withdrawal symptoms than other opioids. An opioid-dependent person is frequently started on Subutex and then progressed to Suboxone or Zubsolv as part of a treatment strategy.
Zubsolv is the only medicine on this list that might be called a true Suboxone replacement. Zubsolv and Suboxone are quite similar, and they're quickly becoming the go-to treatments for opiate addiction. Because of the hazards connected with the use of these medications, Suboxone alternatives like as methadone or Subutex are becoming less popular.
These medicines are not a treatment for addiction, whether they are used as a Suboxone alternative or a person is on Suboxone. They aren't intended to be a cure for addiction. Suboxone, or any Suboxone substitute, is intended to be part of a larger treatment strategy that includes counselling, life skills, and aftercare. Call The Recovery Village if you'd like to learn more about the treatment options available to you or someone you care about. No matter where you are on your journey, we offer free consultations with our addiction and treatment professionals.